Ironing Company Directory
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Ironing service providers, whether they be national ironing companies or sole trader ironers just starting out, may list their business here for free. We also accept entries from dry cleaners, laundrettes and any cleaning company that offers ironing services. Enquiries - 0115 9602185 or


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Scottish Borders


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Scottish Borders Areas

Abbey Mill Park, Abbey St Bathans, Jedburgh, Kelso, Abbotrule, Addinston, Ale Water, Allanbank, Allanshaugh, Allanshaws, Allanton, Ancrum, Appletreehall, Ashiestiel, Ashkirk, Auchencrow, Ayton, Baddinsgill, Bairnkine, Bassendean, Bedrule, Bedshiel, Bellspool, Bemersyde, Birgham, Birkenside, Blackadder, Blanerne, Bloomfield, Blyth, Blyth Bank, Blyth Bridge, Boleside, Bonchester Bridge, Bonjedward, Bordlands, Bowden, Bowerhope, Bowhill, Bowismiln, Bowshank, Branxholme, Bridgelands, Broadhaugh, Broadmeadows, Brockhill, Broughton, Buccleuch, Buckholm, Burnfoot, Burnmouth, Buxley, Caddonfoot, Caddonlee, Caerlanrig, Camptown, Cappercleuch, Carcant, Cardrona, Carfrae, Carlops, Castlecraig, Castleton, Cauldmill, Cavers, Cessford, Chesters, Chirnside, Chirnsidebridge, Clappers, Clarilaw, Clintmains, Clovenfords, Cockburnspath, Coldingham, Coldingham Bay, Coldstream, Copshaw Holm, Cove, Cowdenburn, Craigierig, Craik, Crailing, Crailinghall, Cranshaws, Cringletie, Cumledge Mill, Damside, Darnhall Mains, Darnick, Deanburnhaugh, Denholm, Dewar, Dingleton, Dinlabyre, Drumelzier, Dryburgh, Dryhope, Dunglass, Duns, Earlston, Earlyvale, Eccles, Eckford, Eddleston, Edgerston, Ednam, Edrington, Edrom, Eildon, Ellemford, Ettrick, Ettrickbridge, Eyemouth, Falahill, Faldonside, Falnash, Fans, Faughill, Fishwick, Fogo, Fogorig, Foulden, Fountainhall, Galashiels, Garvald, Gattonside, Gavinton, Gilmanscleuch, Gilston, Glenbreck, Glen Ho, Glenholm, Glenkerry, Glenkirk, Glentress, Gordon, Gorrenberry, Grantshouse, Greenlaw, Greycrook, Gunsgreenhill, Hadden, Halliburton, Hallrule, Hallyards, Hallyne, Harwood on Teviot, Hassendean, Hawick, Headshaw, Heiton, Heriot, Hermitage, Hobkirk, Holylee, Horndean, Houndslow, Houndwood, Hownam, Hume, Hutton, Hyndhope, Innerleithen, Jedburgh, Kaimrig End, Kalemouth, Kelso, Kilbucho, Killochyett, Kingledores, Kings Muir, Kirkburn, Kirkhope, Kirkhouse, Kirkton, Kirkton Manor, Kirkurd, Kirk Yetholm, Ladykirk, Lamancha, Lambden, Lamberton, Langburnshiels, Langhaugh, Langshaw, Langton, Lanton, Lauder, Lauderdale, Leadburn, Leaderfoot, Legerwood, Leitholm, Lempitlaw, Lennel, Lilliesleaf, Lindean, Linhope, Lintlaw, Linton, Longformacus, Longnewton, Lowood, Lumsdaine, Lyne, Macbiehill, Makerstoun, Maxton, Maxwellheugh, Melrose, Menzion, Midlem, Minto, Mordington, Morebattle, Mossburnford, Mountbenger, Mountain Cross, Mowhaugh, Nenthorn, Nether Blainslie, Nether Horsburgh, Nether Shiels, Netherdale, Newbigging, Newcastleton, Newlands, Newmill, Newstead, Newton, Newton St Boswells, Newtown Saint Boswells, Nisbet, Nisbet Hill, Northfield, Old Belses, Old Cambus, Oxnam, Oxton, Paxton, Peebles, Peel, Philiphaugh, Plenderleith, Polmood, Polwarth, Portmore, Press Castle, Preston, Primsidemill, Rachan Mill, Redfordgreen, Redpath, Redscarhead, Reston, Riccarton, Riggs, Roberton, Romannobridge, Ross, Roxburgh, Ruletownhead, St Abbs, St. Boswells, Salenside, Sandystones, Saughtree, Selkirk, Shankend, Simprim, Skelfhill, Skirling, Smailholm, Soonhope Burn, Sourhope, Southdean, Spittal on Rule, Sprouston, Stagehall, Stanhope, Steele Road, Stichill, Stirches, Stobo, Stow of Wedale, Sundhope, Swinside Hall, Swinton, Symington, Talla Linnfoots, Teviotdale, Teviothead, Thirlestane, Thornielee, Torquhan, Torsonce, Torwoodlee, Town Yetholm, Traquair, Tushielaw, Tweedbank, Tweeddale, Tweedmouth, Tweedsmuir, Upper Hindhope, Upsettlington, Walkerburn, Waterheads, Wauchope, West Linton, Westruther, Whitchester, Whitlaw, Whitlaw Wood, Whitsome, Whitton, Williamhope, Williamslee, Wilton, Wilton Dean, Windydoors, Woll, Yarrow, Yarrow Feus, Yarrowford.